
No Expiration Date 
Hear Susan on plastic in an episode of Big Picture Science (formerly Are We Alone)

The Anti-Plastic Fantastic Episode

Susan's interview with the Green Divas: listen

The Truth About Plastic

OnEarth magazine

Why plastic isn't so fantastic

The Adelaide Advertiser

Susan gives tips on dealing with plastic

Susan was featured in an episode of the Swedish news magazine KOBRA

Susan Freinkel on Our Toxic Plastic Love Affair (Podcast)
TreeHugger Radio
May 12, 2011

Plastic and Humankind: An Unhealthy Relationship

An interview with the author of Plastic: A Toxic Love Story on the origins and uses of plastic—and how it abuses us
—The Atlantic

Our complicated relationship with plastic
Susan Freinkel, author of "Plastic: A Toxic Love Story," discusses our relationship with plastic -- its important uses and the harm it can cause.
Marketplace, Monday, April 18, 2011

Our plastics problem

A local writer explains why San Francisco got it wrong.
—San Francisco

GreenSpace: So much plastic - and so hard to avoid using it
Sandy Bauers of the Philadelphia Inquirer looked at efforts to go plastic-free

Disposables Debate: Can Recycling, Materials Innovation Make Plastic Bag Bans Obsolete?
Lora Kolodny's Tech Crunch piece looking at new questions about the eco-benefits of reusable grocery bags